Major Breast Reconstruction revision.
After dealing with capsular contracture for 10 months and undergoing 2 capsulectomies, finally a second chance at reconstruction.
Removal of the cohesive gel implants and replacing them with high profile becker implants. Recoval of the capsule or scar tissue surrounding the implants, and more fat grafting.
Most importantly the use of Alloderm accellular dermal matrix to create an internal bra to provide cushioning between the implants and my own tissue, in hopes of avoiding a third capsular contracture.
I will start a prophylactic regimen of clindamycin and accolate. Clindamycin to help avoid any bacterial infection and accolate has been proven to be effective against the body over developing scar tissue.
I have gained back some weight, which was very important for successful fat transfer from my abdominal area to my breast area. Good abdominal fat in sufficient quantities, is a crucial part of this process. I have learned this lesson the hard way. Without adequate amounts of fat cusioning the implants and the use of alloderm, my body will develop scar tissue and form a hard capsule again.
This recovery will be lengthy, 12
weeks of no work, no lifting, no physical activity, no bounce of any kind.
I have enlisted the help of a nurse for daily bathing, dressing etc along with physiotherapy, and massage.
We are much better prepared for major surgery this time around. We have realistic expectations. We know that I need a great deal of help. I am not able to do anything. I cant be reaching into a washing machine or dryer. I cant be reaching up to get a plate or bowl from the kitchen cupboard. I can't be vacuuming or cooking meals.
We have also enlisted the help of a personal support worker. This means exhausting whatever benefits are available to us through our extended health coverage. Unfortunately I dont have family living close by, and any family I do have are very busy caring for their own little ones.
But we are prepared this time and I am determined to have a successful recovery. This has to be the last time. My life needs to move forward, our lives need to move on.
When we embarked on this journey, I never imagined that this would be a 2 year process.
However surprisingly, I have become quite comfortable with my breasts as they are. I really hope that the capsular contracture will successfully be eliminated and my pain and discomfort will subside, but if this is not successful, I am okay with that. I am proud of who I am and the decisions I have made.
It worries me that this your last post. I hope that you're doing well!