Saturday, December 14, 2013


There are no rules when it comes to eating healthy.  Make decisions based on what your body needs or doesnt need instead of what the diet critics say.

In my line of work you cant imagine how many patients have asked me to recommend or show them supplements such as calcium, Magnesium, iron, folic acid, and Vitamin D. 

Further investigation often resulted in determining that they never had blood work done, stool or saliva samples taken to determine if there was a deficiency.  

They are simply following the advice of a friend or a current fad.  They had no idea how things like calcium, magnesium and potassium could affect cardiac physiology or how excess Vitamin D might dangerously affect their creatinine level.

It really is scary!

I chose a paleo lifestyle for health reasons and therefore made the decision to eliminate certain food groups from my diet. 

After dieting and restricting myself from certain food  groups for years as an attempt to lose weight and being unsuccessful, I learned that I was taking the wrong approach.

Once I started eliminiating trigger foods for health reasons, I realized that my ideal lifestyle was essentially paleo. 

This is why my meal ideas will often contain ingredients such as goat cheese.  

I eliminated dairy because of how sick it made me not because of whether or not it is considered paleo.  I am a cheese lover, I really do miss it.  Goat cheese and Daiyo cheese donot cause me any adverse effects and therefore I choose to include them often when I cook. 

I really enjoy a plate of antipasto with goat cheese, olives, salami, and pickled beets.  I have been successful because I have never felt deprived and I have never felt healthier than I do now.

I don't purchase all organic vegetables, and I dont always use all natural foods without preservatives.   This is because I have a family of 6 and this lifestyle needs to be sustainable.  Ingredients must be affordable and easily accessible.  I am confident that the choices I have made for myself and my family will continue to improve our lives.  Actually the proof is in the blood work! 

2 years ago my doctor was going to prescribe me statin drugs because my cholesterol was 5.5 and my heart health risk assessment was 5.  My blood pressure was 145/110, my resting heart rate was 82 and my body fat % was 51.
I am extremly against statin drugs and there was no way that I was going accept this as the only option! heart health risk assessment is -1 , my blood pressure is 110/70 consistently,  my resting heart rate is 55 and my body fat % is 24.

The "paleo police" may not agree but it is working for me!

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If you dont design your own life plan, chances are you'll fall into someone elses plan. And guess what they have planned for you? Not much.
- Jim Rohn